Exposure Level Testers (ELT Series) by Narda measure magnetic fields in public and workplace settings. The ELT series of products are designed for the health and safety of professionals in order to assess how much magnetic radiation people may be exposed to when using that space. In public spaces, complex fields can occur with several kids of electronic surveillance systems. In addition, magnetic fields are also known to be generated by household appliances and similar common devices. Just as sound level meters assess noise level at the workplace, the ELT series of products does the same for magnet field exposure. Exposure Level Testers are useful for areas that work with hardening, heating, and melting equipment. The ELT products are designed to be easy to use with few buttons and clear settings and readings.
Additionally uses for Exposure Level Testers include induction heating, metling, and hardening equipment. The general environment in which these products are used such as public places are full of complex fields. These fields support several kinds of electronic surveillance systems with electrocmagnetic and acousto-magnetic gates. Exposure Level Testers can manipulate and influence these fields so that they can function properly. This can also apply to smaller magnetic fields generated by household applicances. ELT products typically cover wide frequency ranges.