

Bob Scully, PhD, Principal Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineer

NASA, Johnson Space Center (retired)
Follow the Current
"Bob holds a PhD from the University of Texas at Arlington in Electrical Engineering with strong emphasis in electromagnetics, is an IEEE Fellow, a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Texas, a licensed commercial (PG-12-27194) and amateur (N9RCS) radio operator, holds various EMC certifications from the University of Missouri-Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology) and iNARTE, and is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu.

Bob has served as the President of the IEEE EMC Society, the VP of Technical Services, Chair of the Technical Activities Committee, Technical Committee 1, and Technical Committee 4. Bob served as an Associate Editor for the EMC Society Transactions for several years, is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, and was the founder and until 2019 the Chair of the Galveston Bay/Houston EMC Chapter.

Bob was the Johnson Space Center E3 Group Lead Engineer, and continues to serve as consultant to the NASA Engineering Safety Center (NESC) and the Community of Practice for EMC within the Agency. At JSC, Bob supported NASA’s major programs including the International Space Station, the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, and the Commercial Crew Development Program, providing expertise and guidance in development of tailored electromagnetic compatibility specifications, including control plans, interference control testing methodologies, ESD control, and lightning protection and test.
Bob has retired from federal service.


Dennis Lewis, Technical Fellow


The Increasing Wireless Requirements for Commercial Aircraft and Aerospace Applications
Dennis Lewis received his BS EE degree with honors from Henry Cogswell College and his MS degree in Physics from the University of Washington.  He has worked at Boeing for 35 years and is recognized as a Technical Fellow, leading the enterprise antenna measurement capability for Boeing Test and Evaluation. Dennis holds twelve patents and is the recipient of the 2013 & 2015 Boeing Special Invention Award.   He is a senior member of the IEEE and several of its technical societies including the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), the Antennas and Propagation Society and the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society.   He actively contributes to these societies as a member of the IEEE MTT-S subcommittee 3 on microwave measurements and as a Board Member and a past Distinguished Lecturer for the EMC Society.  He is a Senior Member and served as Vice President on the Board of Directors for the Antenna Measurements Techniques Association (AMTA) and chaired its annual symposium in 2012 & 2023.  As a past faculty member at North Seattle College, Dennis developed and taught a course on The Fundamentals of Measurement Science. He is also a past chair and serves on the Technical Advisory Committee. His current technical interests include aerospace applications of reverberation chamber test techniques as well as microwave and antenna measurement systems and uncertainties.


Jeff Viel, Chief Engineer of Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E³)

Element Space & Defense

MIL-STD-461 Testing
Jeffrey Viel is currently the Chief Engineer of Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E³) services working for Element U.S. Space & Defense for the last 26 years. In total, Jeff has over 30 years of EMI/EMC/E³ test/analysis and design experience working in the Aerospace, Defense, and Telecommunication industries. Jeff has provided engineering support and technical guidance for Element U.S. Space & Defense, including technical training, leading qualification test programs, and product EMI/EMC/E³ design assessments. He is considered a leading subject matter expert in the U.S. DoD electromagnetic interference & control requirements for electronic & electrical systems, sub-systems, and equipment. Throughout his career, Jeff as has supported countless certification programs for a wide variety of equipment deployed across every major U.S. DoD platform type (Ship, Submarine, Land, Space, and Air).
Jeff holds a B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University and is a supporting member of serval national and international standards committees including the SC135 working group for RTCA DO160 (Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment), SC238 working group for Counter UAS systems, SAE Technical Committee AE-4 (Electromagnetic Compatibility), and the Space ISAC SPD 5 Task Force. He has also published a number of EMI/EMC/E³ related technical papers over the last two decades.


Larry Sheridan, EMC Systems Engineer


Reverberation Testing w/ Multiple Probes for ISO 11451-5, Annex G
Larry Sheridan is an EMC Systems Engineer and has been with ETS-Lindgren in Cedar Park, Texas since 2014.   His responsibilities include EMC test system design and integration as well as TILE!™ software implentation and support, including TILE! training. He has been in the EMC sector for 30 years as a Technician, Engineer, Engineering Representative as well as his current position as an EMC Systems Engineer.  After attending the U.S. Army Electronics School at Fort Gordon, GA and Foothill College in Palo Alto, CA, Larry worked in the civil and public safety sector in two-way communications.  In 1996, he started his qualification test career at Grimes Aerospace and in 1997, his EMC career at L-3 Cincinnati Electronics.  During that time, he supported and/or managed many high-profile aerospace EMC qualification programs including the radios for the Cassini satellite as well as the Mars Exploration Rovers, command destruct receivers for rockets and missiles, Full Authority Digital Engine Controls (FADEC) for jet engine manufacturers, and HIRF testing on many critical flight systems for all forms of aircraft.  Larry also wrote and maintained test software for radiated and conducted susceptibility in VB4 prior to learning about, and becoming a fan of, the TILE! environment.


Herman van Eijkelenburg, Director

Pacific Power Source

The Fundamentals of Power Line Emissions and Immunity Testing
Mr. vanEijkelenburg has been active in the Test & Measurement industry for over 30 years working for a range of companies like Philips, Fluke, Danaher, California Instruments, AMETEK, and currently Pacific Power Source. His extensive background includes holding several design engineering, engineering management, applications engineering, sales, and marketing positions throughout his career with a heavy emphasis on AC power test and measurement.
He received his MS in Electronics from the Eindhoven University of Technology, BS in Economics from the University of Hasselt and an MBA from Pepperdine University.


Igor Duspara, Director of Engineering

Overview of the FDA ASCA program for medical and laboratory equipment
An overview of the ASCA (Accreditation Scheme for Conformity Assessment) program process including benefits, standards, and summary report walk through.

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