Advanced Test Equipment Corporation offers affordable high-speed camera rental rates for leading-edge products with powerful imaging capabilities. ATEC's rental inventory includes cameras with exposures of below .001 second and frame rates of thousands of frames per second. When choosing a high-speed camera rental, it is important to consider the shutter speed, light sensitivity, throughput, resolution, and varying frame rates. Industries that rely on high-speed cameras for imaging include the medical, manufacturing, aerospace, defense, and research and development industries. Advanced Test Equipment Corporation offers affordable high-speed camera rentals from top manufacturers such as Kron Tech, Vision Research, and Photron.
How Do High-Speed Cameras work?
High-speed cameras work by running film over a rotating mirror or prism rather than a shutter, eliminating the process of stopping and starting the film. High-speed cameras are powerful devices that are capable of slow-motion capture technology. Operating like video cameras, high-speed cameras focus light from the visible spectrum onto an image sensor, which then turns the image into a recordable electronic medium. Modern cameras also feature circular buffers. A circular buffer is performed when the photographer wants to capture spontaneous events; a trigger is set, and until it activates, the camera records over itself. Once the trigger activates, the camera records. This process saves storage space in the camera and can ensure that the photographer gets the shot when dealing with highly unpredictable subjects.
How do High-speed Cameras Capture Slow Motion?
A high-speed camera can film up to a quarter of a million frames per second, meaning a single second of movement can be expanded into over ten minutes of the film. Photographers can playback incredibly quick events, like the spray of ocean water off a jet ski or the flapping of a hummingbird’s wings, in slow motion with this technology. Slow-motion technology on high-speed cameras happens when the playback rate of an image clip is slower than a capture rate. Technical industries work with high-speed cameras to capture images that would not be able to be witnessed with the naked eye.
Why are high-Speed Cameras So Expensive?
High-speed cameras are top tier imaging devices that produce spectacular visuals, not able to be witnessed with the naked eye, hence the hefty price tag if one is looking to purchase a high-speed camera. Shutter speed measures the time a camera shutter opens to expose the sensor to light and is crucial for applications in fields of ballistics or defense and military testing. High-speed cameras use global electronic shutters allowing pixels to start and finish light to charge functions in unison. Complex pixel designs free the pixel integration for the next frame and enable slow-motion features to work. Renting a high-speed camera with ATEC ensures premium equipment at an affordable, cost-friendly price.
High-Speed Photography Applications
High-speed cameras are used for freelance videographers and professionals alike for all of the following applications and more:
- Broadcasting
- TV and film production
- Ballistics
- Microfluidics
- Stress testing
- Biological studies
- Physics studies
- Sports photography
- Crash Testing
- Space launch analysis
How to Choose the Right High-Speed Camera Rental
Consider the following specifications when choosing the right high-speed model for your application. Call 800-404-2832 and an ATEC associate will guide you to the right equipment for your application, deliver it with immediate shipping, and offer an affordable rental rate.
- Frame Rate
- Common cameras shoot video at 24 – 40 frames per second, but a high-speed video camera records at 1000 frames per second – and that’s just a low-end model. A high-speed camera is required for capturing the action at 250 fps all the way up to 1,000,00 frames per second.
- Resolution
- Resolution refers to the pixel count the camera’s sensor can achieve, which translates into how precise the image is and how accurate motion measurements can be.
- Throughput
- Throughput is the expression of your camera’s resolution and frame rate; having a higher throughput means the camera can capture more pixels per frame per second, meaning a higher-quality image at faster speeds. High-end cameras will be able to perform 4K, RAW, and even 6K imaging at incredible frame rates.
- A wide range of other factors…
- Shutter speed
- Imager
- Light sensitivity
- Event duration
- Storage capabilities