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AEMC Instruments

AEMC SDL-A303 Sentinel Current Data Logger

This AEMC SDL-A303 Sentinel Current Data Logger is a small, portable, three channel recording device. Line tracking is performed such that 64 samples over one line cycle are taken. Frequency tracking is performed over the range ±3 Hz around the nominal line frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz). Power Quantity and Power Quality measurements are calculated from these 64 samples for all input channels.

The Sentinel records RMS for each of the inputs at a rate of up to four times per second. Measurements for each channel are taken sequentially. Meaning that while the instrument is taking samples on one channel the other channels are ignored. The measurement process is performed on a single line cycle. This means that the inputs and line cycles are ignored between measurement intervals.

Product Info
Recording Storage Period 250 ms to 12 hours
Recording Session Length Programmable from 1 minute to 8 weeks
Total Memory Record 480,000 events
Storage Technique Start / Stop, FIFO, Extended Recording Mode
Input Three current input using integrally wired flexible AmpFlex sensors. 64 samples/cycle are taken to calculate TRMS value for each input
Interface Output: USB 2.0 Compliant
Isolation: Optically isolated, 5.5kVrms max.
Speed: 115.2 kbps
Electrical Range: 5 to 1000A
Display Resolution: 0.1A
Accuracy ±(1.0% of Reading + 1.0A) from 100 to 1000A
±(1.0% of Reading + 1.2A) from 5 to 100A