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Keysight N8973A Noise Figure Analyzer, 10 MHz-3 GHz

The Keysight N8973A Noise Figure Analyzer is not available. See other models.

The user interface of the Keysight N8973A 10MHz-3GHz Noise Figure Analyzer is intuitive and easy to use, with easy to find keys, which are sized and then placed in the relevant key group according to function. The soft-key depths have been kept to a minimum and there are clear visual indicators on the screen showing the current machine state.

When making noise figure measurements, a key parameter to be aware of is measurement uncertainty. The N8973A NFA has a low instrumentation uncertainty to aid in accurate and repeatable measurement of manufacturers' components. In addition, to aid customers in setting their components/systems specifications, Keysight has produced a web-based uncertainty calculator that will give customers information on how to improve and classify their measurement/specifications more accurately.

In manufacturing environments, fast measurement speed andrepeatability are critical. The Keysight N8973A 10MHz-3GHz Noise Figure Analyzer includes many features that can reduce your measurement time and increase throughput. The frequency list function allows you to select specific points within a complete measurement span to make your measurement. The Sweep averaging function allows a real-time update to the screen during a measurement, as you adjust the performance of the DUT during a sweep. Both these functions, as well as the limit line functionality for quick and easy pass/fail testing and the additional ability to recall complete calibrated instrument states, increase productivity and measurement throughput.

Product Info
Frequency Range 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Measurement Speed (nominal)
  8 Averages <50 ms/measurement
  64 Averages <42 ms/measurement
Measurement Bandwidth (nominal) 4 MHz, 2 MHz, 1 MHz, 400 kHz, 200 kHz, 100 kHz
Noise Source ENR 4 7 dB 12 17 dB 20 22 dB
Measurement range 0 to 20 dB 0 to 30 dB 0 to 35 dB
Instrument uncertainty ±<0.05 dB ±<0.05 dB ±<0.1 dB
Measurement range 20 to +40 dB
Instrument uncertainty ±<0.17 dB
  • A flexible and intuitive user interface
  • Easy measurement setup
  • Low instrument uncertainty
  • Color graphical display of noise figure and gain versus frequency
  • Enhanced PC and printer connectivity
  • SNS, 346 and 347 Series noise source compatible
  • Ability to automatically upload ENR calibration data from SNS Series noise source
  • Local oscillator control through second dedicated GP-IB