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Thermotron RS-16 Vibration Table

The Thermotron RS-16 Vibration Table is a 16” x 16” repetitive shock vibration table that offers a frequency range between 2 and 20,000 Hz. The 4 pneumatic impactors, or impact hammers, of the Thermotron RS-16 generates high levels of multi-axis repetitive shock vibration by striking the bottom of the table on which the product is attached. The RS-16 offers a sampling rate of 100 kHz per channel and is designed for aggressive temperature change rates. This durable vibration table can be used as a stand-alone unit or combined with an AGREE or AST chamber for HALT/HASS testing.

The Thermotron RS-16 incorporates many unique features designed to satisfy a wide range of vibration testing and screening applications for many industries. The system utilizes Multi-Zone control to assure uniform and repeatable test results.

Product Info Available Add-Ons
Frequency Range 2 - 20,000 Hz
Sampling Rate 100 kHz / channel
Numbers of Impactors 4
Load Capacity in lbs. 300
Grid Size (inches) 16 x 16
Total Compressed Air (SCFM) 38
Compressed Air Per Impactor (SCFM) 9.5
Axes Excited 3 linear, 3 rotational
Acceleration Level Bar Table (0-10000 Hz) 50 grams
Acceleration Level (0-10000 Hz) 9B106 (5 KN export limit) 40 grams
  • Air glide
  • Casters
  • Cart
  • Impact monitor system


Available Add-Ons