Advanced Test Equipment Corp. (ATEC) has been named the recipient of the 'Outstanding Corporate Service to the Engineering Community Award' by the IEEE Region 6 Southwest Area. This prestigious recognition is awarded annually to those companies, or divisions of a company that encourage volunteerism through its practices. In particular, it recognizes the atmosphere created by the company to facilitate the IEEE volunteer (s) to do his or her job, or supporting the volunteers by permitting free or discounted use of company resources. The IEEE praised ATEC by stating that the award was dedicated, "to recognize a long history of technical support for the engineering community and commitment to supporting IEEE Events".
Advanced Test Equipment Corp.'s support has been shown through heavy involvement in sponsoring and donating test equipment to numerous IEEE Society events, conferences and symposiums throughout the year including the annual IEEE EMC Symposium, and several IEEE societies' tabletop technical events. ATEC advertises in various IEEE print publications as well.
Their active presence in the engineering community also includes the formation of the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society (PSES) San Diego Chapter, which was jumpstarted in mid-2011 by Jill Berg of ATEC and other IEEE member volunteers. The society allows engineers and other technical professionals an opportunity to discuss and disseminate technical information, to enhance professional skills, and to provide outreach to engineers, students and others with an interest in the field. The group meets monthly at ATEC's headquarters in San Diego.
Advanced Test Equipment Corp. is honored to receive the well deserved acknowledgement from such a highly regarded organization such as the IEEE and will continue to support their professional societies.