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Keysight E8361A Network Analyzer 10 MHz - 67 GHz


The Keysight (previously Agilent Technologies) E8361A Network Analyzer 10 MHz - 67 GHz provides general purpose network analysis with optional software and / or hardware to customize for your application, such as multiport, pulsed-RF, etc. The E8361A Network Analyzer can display up to 16 windows simultaneously, which can be resized and rearranged, as well as up to 4 active traces and 4 memory traces per window. Formats include: Log or linear magnitude, SWR, phase, group delay, real and imaginary, Smith chart, polar. Ten independent markers per trace including reference marker for delta marker operation, as well as log or linear magnitude, phase, real, imaginary, SWR, delay, R + jX, and G + jB formats. With the E8361A Network Analyzer you can define test limit lines that appear on the display for go/no go testing Linear, CW (single frequency), power or segment sweep.

The Keysight E8361A Network Analyzer was previously manufactured by Agilent Technologies.

Product Info
  • 94 dB of dynamic range and <0.006 dB trace noise.(Specified to 67 GHz, with operation to 70 GHz)
  • <26 usec/point measurement speed, 32 channels, 16,001 points
  • TRL/LRM calibration, on-wafer, in-fixture, waveguide, and antenna measurements
  • Mixer conversion loss, return loss, isolation, and absolute group delay
  • Amplifier gain compression, harmonic, IMD, and pulsed-RF