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Narda Safety Test Solutions

Narda Nardalert 8843D-0.1 Personal Radiation Monitor

The Narda Nardalert 8843D-0.1 has been discontinued.
Narda Nardalert 8843D-0.1 Personal Radiation Monitor is a 1st generation personal radiation monitor that can be used with confidence to make accurate measurements. The Nardalert 8843D-0.1 has a threashold level of 10% of STD. Narda Nardalert 8843D-0.1 have extremely close unit-to-unit frequency response characteristics which is largely determined by the dimensions of the thermocouples. They are manufactured using a sputtering technique that results in virtually identical detectors.

Get the Narda Nardalert 8843D-0.1 calibrated today!

Product Info

SKU: NARD-8843D-0.1