MIL-STD-461G RS103: Radiated Susceptibility, Electric Field
MIL-STD-461G RS103 is used to verify the ability of the EUT and associated cabling to withstand electric fields. MIL-STD-461G RS103 is applicable for equipment and subsystem enclosures and all interconnecting cables. MIL-STD-461G RS103 is applicable as follows:
Frequency Range
2 MHz to 30 MHz
Army, Navy and optional for all others
30 MHz to 18 GHz
18 GHz to 40 GHz
Optional for all
Test Equipment
Signal Generator – Creates signals and modulations for the amplifier.
Power Amplifier – Takes signal, amplifies it sometimes greater than 1,000,000 times original power (0dbm going into 1000 W).
Low Loss Cables – Interconnect all coax equipment after the amplifier.
Dual Directional Coupler – Couples off-nominal values of forward and reverse power (typically by 40 dB or 50 dB).
Power Sensors – Measures coupled power from dual directional coupler for monitoring (may need attenuator between the forward coupled port and power sensor to avoid damage).
Power Meter – Dual channel, displays power sensor reading in dBm or Watts.
Tripod – Holds up the radiating antenna, non-metallic.
Radiating Antenna – Transducer which emits RF power into space from the signal source.
Electric Field Probe – Measures e-field strength (V/m) on X, Y, Z axes, and composite and returns data via fiber cable.
Fiber Optic Communication Link – Non-conductive communication link between field probe and probe interface.
Probe Interface – Provides both power and communication to the e-field probe.
The test procedures shall be as follows:
a. Turn on the measurement equipment and EUT and allow sufficient time for stabilization.
b. Assess the test area for potential RF hazards and take necessary precautionary steps to assure the safety of test personnel.