Electrical test equipment tests everything from new transformers for high-voltage substations that power neighborhoods to the electrical efficiency of homes and businesses. ATEC equips customers with electrical test equipment rentals that can be divided into two general categories: industrial electrical equipment and facility power equipment.
Industrial electrical concerns itself with the maintenance of the pillars of our digital society, substations, which siphon power to buildings. They also serve as essential tools in the manufacturing of transformers, relay testers, and circuit breakers for substation integration. Utility companies keep substations in shape by testing for faults and manufacturers constantly conduct acceptance tests, both in-house and on-site, to determine the functionality of their electrical systems.
Facility power testing devices measure the power and efficiency of homes, schools, hospitals, or any facility wishing to cut back on utility bills. Facility power equipment also allows electricians to discover what changes a company needs to make to incorporate more systems, like a new production line in a factory, into the existing electrical system.
ATEC offers affordable electrical test equipment rental rates on products ranging from power quality analyzers to substation test equipment and partial discharge testers.