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V Technical Textiles 8447 RF Shielded Enclosure 4' x 4' x 7' 30 MHz - 10 GHz
- The 8447 Portable RF Shielded Enclosure, 4' x 4' x 7' comes with standard with a man door and one cable entry sleeve.
- EZ up style frame for model 8447 enclosure
- MV4x4k Mesh Ventilation kit

Tescom TC-5970B/C Shield Box
- High RF shielding
- Easy opening/closing of door
- EMI filter on all data and DC lines

ETS-Lindgren MF-9F RF Leak Detector/Attenuation Meter Kit
- Shielding Attenuation Measurements per: MIL-STD-285 NSA 65-6 IEEE STD-299
- MIL-STD-285
- NSA 65-6

ETS Lindgren 5201 Tabletop RF Test Enclosure | 700 MHz - 6 GHz
- Frequency range of 700 MHz to 6 GHz
- FlexSorb absorber
- Dual latch lid with dual RF seal

Tescom TC-5060B Broadband TEM Cell | 100 MHz - 3 GHz
- Radiation and susceptibility test
- Broadband TEM cell up to 3 GHz
- Small size

ETS-Lindgren DEI RF Shielded Enclosure
- Patented Double Electrically Isolated (DEI) modular enclosures
- Double Electrically Isolated (DEI) Enclosures for Maximum Effectiveness
- Durable, expandable, easy to assemble, easy to move

ETS-Lindgren T/T Shielded Test Enclosure | 150 kHz - 10 GHz
- Includes EC-2005-1C EMI/RF filter
- Frequency of 150 kHz to 10 GHz
- Shielding performance of 120 dB+

V Technical Textiles 8000T Series | 300 MHz - 18 GHz
- Portable RF shielded enclosures
- High RF isolation
- Shieldex material

Tescom TC-5901B Pneumatic Shield Box | 5 GHz
- Reliable High RF shielding up to 5 GHz owing to simple up-down lid motion
- Pneumatic control of lid open-close and optional automatic test fixture motions
- EMI filters on all data ports and power line

ETS-Lindgren AMS-8050 Antenna Measurement System
- Efficient Over-the-Air (OTA) Antenna Pattern Measurement 2D/3D Antenna Patterns TRP, EIRP TIS, EIRP TIS, EIS NHPRP, NHPIS
- 2D/3D Antenna Patterns

Teseq Reverberation Chamber 2XS
- Rigid construction
- Inside complete flat surface (no connection elements as used for pan-type or sandwich construction) for optimum power and field performance
- Outside reinforced frame for optimum stability

Teseq GTEM 250 RF Enclosure
- Emissions and immunity testing in a single, shielded environment
- Meets basic standard: IEC/EN 61000-4-20
- Meets standards for emissions testing: CISPR 14-1, IEC 61000-6-3 and IEC 61000-6-4 for EUTs without connected cables

ETS-Lindgren GTEM-5402 RF Enclosure
- RE, RI testing
- Design qualification
- Pre-compliance

EMCO 5407 GTEM! Test Cell | 9 kHz - 1 GHz

V Technical Textiles VShieldTex 8777 RF Shielded Enclosure | 30 MHz - 10 GHz
- Single, double, or triple layer construction
- Permanent bulkhead
- Removable bulkhead

Tescom TC-5062C TEM Cell | 100 MHz - 6 GHz
- Radiation and susceptibility test
- Broadband TEM cell up to 6 GHz
- Small size

Faraday Defense 14808 RF Tent Enclosure
- Comfortably holds one to two individuals with desks and equipment
- Two shielded honeycomb vents; lower intake with fan and sleeve, and upper exhaust
- Power strip, extra connectors, tensioning accessories, protective bags, and rip repair kit