Performance |
Precision |
- 0.005% of reading from 10% FS to 100% FS. Fixed error of 0.005% of 10% FS from 0% to 10% FS
- Precision is defined as the combined effects of linearity, repeatability and hysteresis throughout the operating temperature range
- Expression of accuracy (uncertainty) conforms with the recommendations of the ISO guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement
Stability |
0.0075% of reading, per year |
Control Stability |
- Active mode: 0.004% of each range
- Passive mode: no additional uncertainty
Display Resolution |
User selectable to 1:1,000,000 |
Control Response |
- Optimized for 5 in 3 load volume (included with 7250LP)
- Maximum 30 in 3 load volume
Negative Gauge Precision (optional) |
7250LP: 0.005% of reading from 10% to 100% of FS |