Optional features may include:
- Temperature Range: -85°C to +225°C (50Hz)
- Temperature Range: -90°C to +225°C (60Hz)
- No LN2 or LCO2 required
- 50/60 Hz operation
- Transition Rates:
- -55°C to +125°C, approx. 10 seconds or less
- +125°C to -55°C, approx. 10 seconds or less
- System Airflow Output: 4 to 18 scfm ( 1.9 to 8.5 l/s) Continuous
- Temperature Display & Resolution: ±0.1°C
- Temperature Accuracy: ±1°C
- Directly Control the device under test (DUT)
- DUT Control Sensors: Type T or Type K ThermoCouples, RTD (100 Ohm)
- Remote interfaces: IEEE.488, RS232
- Thermal Cap provides a localized thermal test environment protects from moisture and condensation at the DUT site.
- LabView™ drivers
- CE Compliant and CFC-free
*Features vary by models. Contact an account manager for available options.