Com-Power AB-100 Wide Band Biconical Antenna, 30 MHz to 300 MHz
The Com-Power AB-100 are Broadband Biconical Antennas for use in 30 MHz - 300 MHz frequency bands. The Com-Power AB-100 antenna balun is designed for receive only applications. The elements are constructed using light weight aluminum with corrosion resistant conductive coating.
The balun for the Com-Power AB-100 is designed to get a smooth response curve for the antenna factors. An antenna factor curve with minimum peaks and valleys helps to minimize the error during calibration and use. This balun, however, can be used only for receiving purposes.
Biconical Antennas are time saving alternatives to tunable dipole antennas. Dipole antennas require precise adjustments of element length at every frequency. Com-Power Biconical Antennas are designed to cover the frequency band from 30 MHz to 300 MHz.