RMS Voltage (Vrms) | Range | 2V to 700V rms (autoranging) in 4 ranges: 8V, 35V, 140V and 700V rms |
Display | 4½ digits |
Frequency range | DC and 5Hz to 20kHz |
Crest Factor | Up to 19 .9 (limit 1000V Pk) |
Accuracy 23 ±5°C Sine wave | + 0.20% ± 0 .02%/kHz ± 0 .10% of range |
Input Impedance | 8MΩ |
Peak Input Voltage | Continuous | 1000V |
< 1 second | 2500V |
RMS Current (Arms) | Range | Standard | 20mA to 20A rms (autoranging) in 4 ranges:- 0 .2A, 1A, 5A, and 20A rms |
Option 001 | 50mA to 20A rms (autoranging) in 4 ranges:- 0 .5A, 2 .5A, 12 .5A and 20A rms |
Display | 4½ digits |
Frequency range | DC and 5Hz to 20kHz |
Crest Factor | Up to 19.9 (Limit 40A Pk) (Limit 11 OA Pk on option 001) |
Accuracy 23 ±5°C Sine wave | ± 0.20% ± 0 .10%/kHz ± 0 .10% of range |
Input Resistance | 0.05Ω max inc . fuse circuit |
Power (W) | Range | Standard | 40mW to 14kW (autoranging) in 16 ranges corresponding to V and A |
Option 001 | 100mW to 14kW |
Display | 4½ digits with polarity according to direction of power flow |
Frequency range | DC and 5Hz to 20kHz |
Accuracy 23 ±5°C Sine wave | +0.40% ± (0 .25 - PF)%kHz ± (0.1 x PF)% of range |