Related Products

Wayne Kerr 6425 Precision Component Analyzer
- Basic accuracy 0.02%
- Measurement functions L, C, R, D, Q, G, Z, Y, Phase Angle θ
- 42 Frequencies in the range 20 Hz to 300 KHz

Hioki IM3536 LCR Meter
- DC, 4 Hz to 8 MHz measurement frequency
- Can be customized up to 10 MHz
- High-speed measurement of 1 ms (fastest time)

ESI / Tegam 2400 LCR Bridge, 120 Hz or 1 kHz

Keysight E4980A 20 Hz to 2 MHz, Precision LCR Meter
- Frequency 20 Hz to 2 MHz, with 4-digit resolution in any range
- 20 Hz to 2 MHz, with 4-digit resolution in any range
- Basic accuracy 0.05% basic accuracy with superior measurement repeatability at low and high impedance

Wayne Kerr 3245 Precision Inductance Analyzer
- Parameters: L, C, R, D, Q, Z, Angle Rdc Turns Ratio
- AC-Stimulus Voltage (Programmable): 10 mV - 5V, 1mA - 100mA
- Other Features: Stimulus Voltage and Current Display

Quadtech 7400 Precision LCR Meter
- 14 different impedance parameters - measure and display any two parameters simultaneously
- Automatic test sequencing
- Swept measurements - graphical or tabular

Chroma 11025 LCR Meter
- 0.1% basic accuracy
- Transformer test parameters, Turns Ratio, DCR, Mutual Inductance
- 0Hz, 60Hz, 100Hz, 120Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz, 20kHz, 40kHz, 50kHz, 100kHz test frequencies

Keithley 8009 Resistivity Test Fixture
- All electrodes made from stainless steel for corrosion prevention
- Switchable volume/surface resistivity modes
- Operates with Keithley Instruments Model 6517 and Model 6517B Electrometer/High Resistance Meters

QuadTech 7600 Precision LCR Meter, 10 Hz - 2 MHz, 0.05% Accuracy
- Measured Parameters: Any two of 14 parameters measured and displayed simultaneously, user selectable
- Test Frequency: 10 Hz to 2 MHz, continuous Resolution: 0.1 Hz from 10 Hz to 10 kHz, 5 digits>10kHz Accuracy: +/-(0.25% + 0.02 Hz)
- Resolution: 0.1 Hz from 10 Hz to 10 kHz, 5 digits>10kHz

Wayne Kerr 3255B Inductance Analyzer 500 kHz
- Frequency range from 20 Hz to 500 kHz
- Fast measurement speed - up to 20 measurements per second
- 0.1% basic accuracy

Keysight 4278A Capacitance Meter 1 kHz/1 MHz
- Measurement speed: 6.5 ms/10 ms/21 ms
- Measurement parameters: C-D, Q, ESR, G
- C-D measurement accuracy: 0.07%, 0.0005(1 kHz, 21ms);.0.5%, 0.0002(1 MHz, 21 ms)

Genrad 1689M Precision Impedance Meter
- The world's de facto standard for AC resistance, low-frequency inductance, and capacitance measurement
- 0.02% accuracy for R, L, and C
- 0.0001 accuracy for Dissipation and Q

Wayne Kerr 3220A Inductance Analysis System
- Parameters: L, C, R, D, Q, Z, Angle Rdc Turns Ratio
- AC-Stimulus Voltage (Programmable): 10 mV - 5V, 1mA - 100mA
- Other Features: Stimulus Voltage and Current Display

Keysight E4982A-300 LCR Meter
- Multiple frequency range choices: 1 MHz to 300 MHz, 500 MHz, 1 GHz or 3 GHz
- High-speed testing: 0.9 ms (Mode 1), 2.1 ms (Mode 2), 3.7 ms (Mode 3); Up to 6x faster than the 4287A
- 0.8% accuracy with unrivaled measurement repetition capability

Keysight 4285A 75 kHz - 30 MHz, Precision LCR Meter
- 6-digits of resolution at any range
- Basic accuracy of 0.1%
- 20 impedance parameters to access and measure

Keysight E4980AL Precision LCR Meter
- 20 Hz - 300 kHz/500 kHz/1 MHz
- DC bias 1.5/2 V
- 0 - 2 Vrms/0 - 20 mArms

Keysight 4284A Precision LCR Meter, 20Hz - 1 MHz
- 20 Hz to 1 MHz, with over 8,600 test frequencies
- 0.05% basic accuracy, 6-digit resolution
- Constant V or I test signal level

Wayne Kerr 3265B DC Bias Unit 25 A
- Enhances usability of Wayne Kerr Analyzers: 3255B series of Inductance Analyzers 3260B Precision Magnetics Analyzer
- 3255B series of Inductance Analyzers
- 3260B Precision Magnetics Analyzer

Chroma 11050 Series LCR Meters
- Test Parameters: L/C/R/Z/Y/DCR/Q/D/ θ
- Test Frequencies: 75kHz - 30MHz / 1kHz - 10MHz / 60Hz - 5MHz
- Test Level: 10mV ~ 5V

General Radio 1658 RLC Digibridge
- Built-in text fixture
- Four terminal connections
- Extender cable