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Megger EZ-Restore Cable Fault Locator
- Has back-feed alert
- Weighs less than 48.5 lbs
- Offers unique USB load

3M Dynatel 2573-iD Cable/Pipe/Fault and Marker Locator
- Trace view mapping display mode
- 6 active frequencies for direct connect
- 4 induction frequencies with maximum allowed output power

Dynatel 505 Portable Cable and Conductor Identifier

High Voltage Inc. CDS-2010U Cable Fault Locator
- Combination Hipot, Burner and Fault Locator
- Constant energy at each output voltage setting
- Adjustable thump (impulse) repetition rate, from 6 – 10 seconds

Megger PFL32M1500-EN Portable Cable Fault Location System
- Portable, rugged fault locating systems
- HV insulation testing to 20 kV
- Proof/burn up to 20 kV, 115 mA

Dynatel 1420-iD Electronic Marker System Locator
- Large backlit, high-resolution graphic display
- Locator PC tools software
- PC interface via standard RS232/USB

Dynatel 2250M Cable/Fault Locater System
- A easy-to-use system that requires very little operator training
- Trace a pipe or cable and locate markers along the way
- M-iD versions locate and read/write to all EMS-RFiD markers

Hipotronics CF30-8-A Cable Fault Locator / Thumper
- Self-Contained Unit Features Proof Tester, Burner and Thumper in One
- Burn Currents to 50 mA
- Impulse Energies of up to 900 J

Amprobe AT 5005 Underground Cable / Pipe Locator System
- Locates underground energized and de-energized wires, cables and pipes, eliminates exploratory digging in parking lots or under floors for buried pipes and wires
- Signal Select and Distortion Alert icon indicates clean signal of the traced line, versus "ghost" and "return" path signals coming from the neighboring lines
- Three testing modes for best accuracy: Passive Power Mode (50, 60, 100 and 120 Hz) – tracing energized lines conducting current Passive Radio Mode (RF) – using surrounding radio

Megger SG15-1150M HV Cable Fault Locating System
- Dual stage cap 1150 J @ 7.5/15 kV
- Internal filter for arc reflection method
- Internal coupler for surge pulse (ICE) method

Radiodetection RD7200 Cable & Pipe Locator
- Speed, accuracy, and reliable performance
- Easy to setup and use
- High performance audio system and vibration alerts for noisy environments

Dynatel 573 Sheath Fault/Cable Locator

Dynatel 573DL Cable Fault Locator

Megger MTDR1 Single-Phase Time Domain Reflectometer
- Multiple fault locating methods
- Auto-ranging and auto-fault distancemodes
- Single-phase, two-channel transceiver

Megger HT1000/2 Copper Wire Analyzer
- ACV: 0 V to 250 V (±2%, ± 1 V)
- DCV: 0 V to ±300 V (±2%, ±1 V)
- Resistance: 0 Ω to 1,000 KΩ (±2%, ±1 Ω)

Hipotronics 5250 30kV, 2000 Joule Thumper with TDR
- Highly Portable Lightweight Package
- Output Energy up to 2000 Joules @ Either Voltage Range.
- User Friendly Step by Step Operation

Dynatel 500DL Precision Cable/Fault Locator
- Four operator-selectable frequencies
- Built-in voltmeter
- Built-in ohmseter

Megger MPP2000 Cable Fault Pinpointer
- Universal pinpoint fault location system
- Ergonomic, rugged, weather resistant case
- Electromagnetic, acoustic and time delay fault location methods

Megger Easyloc
- Locate underground cables and pipe lines quickly and effortlessly
- High dynamic range in passive mode
- Direct connection, inductive coupling and general induction active modes

Dynatel 500 Cable Locator
- Portable, battery-operated tone set
- Locates path of buried or underground (UG) cables
- Locates cables without taking them out of service

Baur Syscompact 2000 M Cable Fault Location System
- Light weighted and highly transportable
- 4 fault location methods (measuring couplings fully integrated into the unit)
- Up to 16 kV surge and DC voltage (8 kV / 16 kV range)

Megger MPP1000 Pinpointer
- Universal, upgradeable, flexible pinpoint fault location system
- Electromagnetic, acoustic and time delay fault location methods
- Distance and direction to fault via single or dual detection configuration

Megger Teleflex SX Portable Reflectometer for Fault Location Systems
- ARMslide technology with 15 traces in one ARM shot
- ProRange for optimized display of distant details
- Support of all existing prelocation technologies

Megger HVB10 High-Voltage Bridge
- Top class measurement and accuracy
- Automatic test sequence
- Bi-polar prelocation for the elimination of external influences

Megger PFL22M1500INV-EN Portable Cable Fault Location System
- Portable, rugged fault locating systems
- HV insulation testing to 20 kV
- Proof/burn up to 20 kV, 115 mA