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Frankonia CIT-10 Compact Immunity Test System, 10 kHz - 400 MHz
- Conducted RF immunity tests acc. to IEC/EN 61000-4-6 and BCI tests acc. to ISO 11452-4 and MIL–STD 461E
- Signal generator, RF-power amplifier, RF-power meter and directional coupler (optional) in one 19”-case
- Stand-alone operation possible with optional available netbook

Schloder CDG7000 Conducted Disturbances Test System
- Compact device
- Consists of an RF signal generator, an RF-power amplifier, a 3-channel RF voltmeter, and a directional coupler
- RF power amplifier is available in three different models

Teseq NSG 4070B
- Integrated signal generator 9 kHz – 1 GHz
- 3 power meter inputs 9 kHz – 1 GHz
- Integrated class A power amplifier module for different applications: 35 W, 150 kHz – 230 MHz; 40 W, 10 kHz – 400 MHz 45 W, 9 kHz – 1 GHz; 80 W, 150 kHz

Teseq NSG 4070-75 Conducted & Radiated Immunity Test System
- Integrated signal generator 9kHz to 1GHz
- 4-channel power meter 9kHz to 1GHzAn advanced combination of signal generator and compact immunity test system.
- Integrated power amplifier module for different

Teseq NSG 4070C Test System for Conducted and Radiated Immunity
- Class A power amplifier module can be integrated for different applications:
- 35 W, 150 kHz to 230 MHz;
- 40 W, 10 kHz to 400 MHz;

Frankonia CIT-1000 Conducted Immunity Test System
- Conducted RF immunity tests acc. to IEC/EN 61000-4-6, BCI-tests acc. to ISO 11452-4 and MIL-STD 46
- Signal generator, RF-Power-Amplifier, 3-channel power-meter and directional coupler combined in one 19“ case.
- Stand-alone operation via integrated touchscreen PC

AE Techron 3110 Standards Waveform Generator
- Includes a large library of Automotive and Aviation Standards’ test routines--complete list available as Supplemental Document under Datasheet on left
- Drag and drop interface makes it easy to modify existing tests or build new waveform sequences
- Loop entire tests or test sections; repeat loops with increments of up to four variables

Teseq NSG 4070C-80 Test System for Conducted and Radiated Immunity
- IEC/EN 61000-4-6
- 110W, 150kHz - 230MHz amplifier
- 4kHz - 1 GHz signal generator / power meter