Related Products

Rohde & Schwarz HE 100 Active Directional Antenna | 20 MHz - 1 GHz
- Unambiguous determination of direction of incidence
- Distinct directional pattern
- Antenna voltage maximum as direction criterion (maximum-signal DF method)

Narda IDA 2 Interference and Direction Analyzer, Radio Direction Finder | 20 MHz - 6 GHz
- Extremely fast sweep at 12 GHz/s
- Real-time bandwidths up to 32 MHz for recording short duration signals
- Direction Finding mode with automatic azimuth determination

Narda Automatic DF-Antenna 1 Basic Set | 200 MHz - 2.7 GHz
- Situation awareness of the RF spectrum while DF
- High and reliable localization quality even in urban areas with reflection
- Integrated electronic compass and GNSS receiver

Rohde & Schwarz FSH18 10 MHz - 18 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
- Frequency range of 10 MHz to 18 GHz
- Reference Level -80dBm to +20dBm
- TOI typ. 7 dBm

Tektronix RSA306 USB Real Time Spectrum Analyzer
- 9 kHz to 6.2 GHz frequency range
- ACER Laptop with pre-installed SignalVU-PC software included
- +20 dBm to -160 dBm measurement range

AH Systems SAS-510-2 Log Periodic Antenna | 290 – 2000 MHz
- Frequency range of 290 MHz to 2000 MHz
- Receive and transmit
- Individually calibrated

Com-Power ALP-100 Log Periodic Antenna, 300 MHz - 1000 MHz

Keysight N9040B UXA Signal Analyzer, 2 Hz - 50 GHz
- Frequency range of 2 Hz to 50 GHz w/ options
- 1 GHz maximum analysis bandwidth
- 78 dBc spurious-free dynamic range

Narda IDA Directional Log Periodic Antenna 3, 3100/13 | 400 MHz - 6 GHz
- High measurement sensitivity
- Directional characteristic largely frequency-independent
- Mechanically robust

Rohde & Schwarz EB500 | 8 kHz – 6 GHz
- ITU-compliant measurements and applications for security authorities and organizations
- Wide frequency range: 8 kHz to 6 GHz (base unit: 20 MHz to 3.6 GHz)
- 20 MHz real-time bandwidth

Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Rider FPH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer Series
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- Replacement for the FSH Series
- Maximum frequency of 44 GHz

Anritsu MS2713E Handheld Spectrum Analyzer
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- Interference Analyzer with Interference Mapping
- High Accuracy Power Meter, 2-port Transmission Measurements

Narda SignalShark 3310 Real-Time Handheld Spectrum Analyzer | 8 kHz to 8 GHz
- Extremely high sweep rate of up to 40 GHz/s
- 40 MHz real-time instantaneous bandwidth
- High time resolution spectrogram

Rohde & Schwarz PR200 Portable Monitoring Receiver
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- Time-gated spectrum for interference hunting in TDD networks
- Mapping functions with triangulation and level mapping

ETS-Lindgren EMCO 3146A Log Periodic Antenna
- 300MHz - 1GHz
- 50 ohms
- 1kW Max. Cont. Power

Tektronix RSA5000 Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers
- DPX® Live RF spectrum display
- Triggering expertise
- Seamless data capture

Electro-Metrics EM-6950 Log Periodic Antenna | 200 MHz - 1 GHz
- Wide frequency coverage
- High sensitivity
- Flat frequency response

AH Systems AK-18G EMC Antenna & Probe Kit | 20 Hz - 18 GHz

Narda IDA Active Antenna Handle 3100/10
- Ergonomic
- Built in preamplifier, compass and 3D position sensor
- Light

RIGOL RSA3030N Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer
- Multiple measurement modes
- Various advanced measurement functions
- Vector network analyzer application

Com-Power ANK-910L EMC Test Antenna Kit with Active Loop Antenna
- Broadband Antennas
- High Gain Preamplifier
- Near Field Probe Kit

AH Systems SAS-517 Log Periodic Antenna | 80 MHz - 4 GHz
- Frequency range of 80 MHz to 4000 MHz
- Receive and transmit
- Individually calibrated (1, 3, and 10 Meter calibration included, horizontal polarization)

Rohde & Schwarz PR100 Portable Receiver
- Ergonomic and rugged design for portable use
- Detection of unknown signals
- Frequency scan and memory scan

PMM LP-02 200 MHz - 3 GHz Log Periodic Antenna | 6 dB Gain
- 200 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range
- Excellent Antenna factor
- Tripod adapter for easy vertical - horizontal polarization change

Advanced Antennas LPD-100M1G Log Periodic Antenna | 100 MHz - 1.1 GHz
- Frequency range up to 1100 MHz
- Type N connector
- Can be calibrated for field strength