Transmit and Receive Rates
- STS-1, STS-3 (Electrical)
- STS-3c and OC-3c
- OC-1, OC-3, OC-12 (optical)
- DS1, DS3 (Opt. 22)
- Compliance to ANSI T1-105
Generation and Analysis
- Testing of Bit Error Rates including B1, B2, B3, VT BIP, Line FEBE, Path FEBE and Payload
- Complete alarm monitoring and generation
- Measurements: 1 sec to 99 days
- Histograms: 72 hours with 1 minute resolution. 45 days with 15 minute resolution
- Measurements with ANSI T1M1.3 analysis
Overhead Management
Transport Overhead, Path Overhead and VT Overhead
- Set and View Byte Value: All
- Set and View Byte Trace Message: J1
- Add/Drop: DCCs, F1, F2